July 1, 2015

New hub for Century City steams ahead

Commercial Property

Excitement is mounting as construction of more than R1,5 billion in new commercial property developments in an all-green precinct in Century City steams ahead.

These commercial property developments include a Conference Centre with a total capacity of 1900 guests over 20 venues, a new 125 room hotel with ground floor restaurants and bistros spilling out onto a large bustling square which is destined to become the new commercial and hospitality hub of Century City.

Also fronting onto Century City Square is the Apex, an iconic eight storey building comprising 7900 square metres of offices over seven storeys with ground floor restaurants, bistros and coffee shops; the Matrix – a mixed use development of ground floor retail, three storeys of sectional title offices, with a further three storeys of luxury apartments.

Parking for this mega mixed use development will be provided in a six storey structured parking building and in a super basement parking garage, which together will provide a total of 1330 parking bays.

Meanwhile on an adjoining site in the conference precinct, another major office development is nearing completion – the 18 000m² Bridge Park office development which is being undertaken in a joint venture between Rabie and Growth Point Properties. This R450 million project is due for completion by end July this year.

Both Bridge Park property and the buildings that front the Square will benefit from new infrastructure projects totaling more than R130 million currently underway including the construction of R45 million of roads and canals in the conference precinct, R22,5 million upgrades to Sable Road and Bosmansdam Road and the completion of a R35 million MyCiTi trunk station – all measures aimed at significantly easing peak traffic congestion.

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